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Tuesday 9 December 2014

Advent 8: Waiting to know that God is with me

"They will call him Immanuel" (which means "God with us")." (Matthew 1:23)

One of the things that God most wants is to be with us. Let that sink in. Christmas is a time for being awed again by a God who left his throne in heaven to walk amongst us because He wanted to be with us. This is an unbelievable truth: that Jesus would abandon glory in the hope of winning back his people, that Jesus so wants a relationship with us that he would willingly come to earth to die so that we might live with him forever.

God wants to be with us this morning. In this very second, he waits, as the Father of the prodigal son waits on the edge of the field, for us to turn around and run to him. He waits with open arms wanting to embrace, wanting us to sit at his feet and tell him how we're feeling. He wants nothing more than our attention, to set his love upon us, to tell us that he is with us always and that life need never be lived in isolation from him. His Holy Spirit sent to live in our hearts is proof that he never wants to be apart from us. God could have an empty heaven and be perfectly content and yet he wants us there with him. (John 17:24)

God is with us. We do not need to be afraid. 

God is with us. We need never feel alone.

God is with us. Because he wants to be. 

Reflection: God is with us in every part of the day ahead. In each moment, the moment we long for and the ones we dread, he is alongside us. Father, we pray that we would know the reality of you with us. We pray that we would feel you close and know the difference that it makes. We pray that we would feel your presence in a new way today, that we would know the truth that you are as close to us as turned attention, as close as conversation. All we need do is acknowledge that you are there. Amen. 

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