The Joy Challenge: Thursday 3rd April 2014
"And as he sat at dinner in Levi’s house." (Mark 2:15) Rejoice in eating together as Jesus so clearly did. In sharing food and company, in sitting round a table, in laughter, in serving, in enjoying the fruit of communal labours. Slow down and appreciate the goodness of what's been given, savouring the dailyness of daily bread when many don't have anything daily. "They broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts." (Acts 2:46) I am not good at this. Eating is rarely an act gladly and generously received but merely an expected event, calorie counting or gluttony or somewhere between the two. I long for more gladness, more sincerity in eating, more delighting in the company of others. Today we ate with a big bunch of teenagers at Drop In and our table was full of joy, of silliness, of giggles between mouthfuls. More of this please, Jesus. And more recognition of its goodness. More thankfulness, not only for our food but for those we eat it with.
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